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There are many reasons why someone would need to meet with the SDS staff. Our offices are open from 8:30 AM-5:00 PM, Mondays through Fridays, excluding federal/state holidays and university closures. You can view the Academic Calendar for your specific school here. We offer appointments in person, by Zoom/Teams or by phone.

Contact Information by Hub and School

University-Wide Hub (Center of Operations)

Homewood Hub (Traditional Programs)

East Baltimore Hub (Clinical/Medical Programs)

DC/ Professional Hub

Requesting Additional Information about SDS

If you are a student, parent, or instructor looking to speak with your Student Disability Services Coordinator, scroll up to identify the Student Disability Services office associated with your specific school or program. Please send an email to your respective coordinator to schedule an appointment.

Review our FAQs here for answers to common questions

Rescheduling Initial Meetings

To reschedule you can use the initial link provided by your SDS coordination team to pick an alternative date and time. If you need to reschedule for a little later the same day, please email your SDS coordination team to see if it is possible.

Accommodation Implementation Concerns:

If you have concerns regarding the implementation of accommodations in your courses, please email your school’s SDS office right away to discuss the concerns by email or set up an appointment. Please share the following information:

  • The accommodation that was not implemented or not implemented correctly
  • The implementation plan agreed upon with the instructor at the beginning of the semester
  • Email/written correspondence between yourself and the instructor regarding the concern

SDS coordinators will review the information provided, discuss the issue during the meeting scheduled, and reach out to the instructor to begin their initial investigation.