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Johns Hopkins Campus Accessibility

Johns Hopkins is committed to providing effective access and inclusive experiences. Additional information about physical accessibility is available and includes details about accessible transportation and parking as well as construction, outages and how to report concerns.

Homewood Campus Accessibility Map

Johns Hopkins has worked with the Institute for Human Centered Design (IHCD) to develop an updated accessibility map for the Homewood Campus and immediate surrounding areas. Student feedback was incorporated into this initial version.

The map contains important accessibility features including the locations of accessible building entrances, accessible routes, and the grade (slope) of exterior pathways. This is intended to serve as a resource for disabled students, faculty, staff, and visitors on the Homewood campus.

This is the first phase of our accessibility map project.  The university is researching mobile app capabilities that would provide an accessible experience for blind or nonvisual users, offer a more interactive experience, and be easier to update with changes.  As we move into the second phase of the project there will be more opportunities to engage a larger group for their feedback.

Baltimore/Medical Campus Map