Testing Center Policy for Students
Student Disability Services on the Homewood campus operates a testing services center for students with approved testing accommodations such as extended test time, reduced distraction testing space, access to reading and writing software, and various assistive technologies. All tests are proctored to ensure academic integrity and exam security.
Many accommodated tests are arranged by instructors, however, if your instructor cannot facilitate your testing accommodations or if you have scheduling conflicts, SDS can facilitate your test accommodations in our SDS Testing Center.
Hours and Location
The SDS Testing Center at Homewood is located in Shaffer 101. SDS proctors assessments by appointment Monday through Friday 9-4:30pm. Our email is [email protected] and our phone number is 410-516-4720.
School Closing Policy
If a weather-related issue or emergency situation causes Johns Hopkins University to close, then our SDS Testing Center will close and no tests scheduled will be administered. When JHU reopens, SDS will contact students and instructors to reschedule all examinations.
During finals, the SDS Testing Center is open Monday-Friday from 8am –8pm on exam days. Students should submit their testing request five (5) business days prior to the final date.
Facilitating Testing Accommodations
Once your testing accommodations are approved and your accommodation letters are sent to your instructors, discuss your testing accommodations with each instructor to determine who will facilitate your test proctoring. If your instructor is unable to facilitate your testing accommodations, then you can be proctored in our testing center.
Prior to the Test Day
Students should submit their testing center request at least two (2) business days (five business days during finals) in advance by logging into AIM. SDS encourages all students to submit testing requests at the start of the semester or as soon as you are aware of your assessments. Be sure to choose the date and time according to your instructors’ exam agreement. If your instructor has not completed the exam agreement, contact your instructor immediately and copy [email protected].
If you have questions about the exam agreement, we recommend contacting your instructor first and then our office.
- Scheduling Tests Outside of Instructor’s Exam Agreement
In order to take a test at SDS outside of your instructor’s exam agreement, students must obtain approval from their instructor. To do this, students should email their instructor and copy [email protected] to arrange a new date and/or time. To aid in this process, please suggest possible times. Once a new testing time has been finalized, please make sure [email protected] is aware of the arrangement. Students should also indicate the arrangement in the “Additional Note” box when submitting the testing request in AIM. - Late Requests
If test requests are made in less than two (2) business days, then SDS will review the request and approve if space is available and if your instructor can provide us with your testing materials. If space is not available, SDS will contact you and your instructor to discuss options. Numerous late requests could be denied. - Scheduling Online Exams
For synchronous online exams (proctored on Zoom or in the classroom) students can schedule exams with SDS with instructor approval. Asynchronous online exams that are not proctored (take-home exams submitted online) will not be administered with SDS. Exceptions may be considered at the discretion of SDS if you have an accommodation that requires site specific coordination (e.g. scribe, adjustable height desk). - Adaptive Equipment or AT for a Test
If you are approved for adaptive equipment and/or assistive technology accommodations and want to use the accommodation, please indicate this when you are submitting your test requests. This may include: Screen reading software, (e.g., JAWS and Kurzweil); Word processing software (e.g., Word); Screen magnifiers (e.g., Zoom Text); and Voice recognition software (e.g., Dragon Naturally Speaking).
On Test Day
- Arrive 10-15 minutes before your scheduled test time to get yourself situated and to secure your belongings in a locker.
- Present your JCard (physical or digital) so testing staff can check you in.
- Allowable testing materials
Students are responsible for bringing all necessary testing materials with them (i.e., Scantron, blue book) and any other test aids approved by their professor such as calculator, textbook, notes. Please note: SDS does not provide these materials, but we may have extra pens, pencils, ear plugs, and scratch paper. - Non-testing materials should be placed in our lockers.
This includes cell phones, smart watches, computers, wallets, etc.). Make sure you bring only approved test-taking materials into the testing room. Students are monitored if any item is needed from their locker after the exam has started. - Food and beverages are not permitted in the SDS Testing Center unless they are approved accommodations documented on the student’s accommodation letter. If you have an accommodation to have food during an exam, please be mindful to bring snacks that you can eat quietly, that do not have strong odors and are nut-free.
- Arriving Late
Students are expected to complete the exam within the scheduled testing time. Students who arrive late for an exam may forfeit that portion of their scheduled time based on the testing center’s space availability and your instructor’s accommodated exam agreement. - No Shows
Please log into AIM and cancel a scheduled exam request if you are unexpectedly unable to attend.- If a student does not cancel their testing center appointment and does not show for an exam/quiz, the student will be marked as a no-show and an email will be sent to their instructor(s) and SDS advisor.
- If the student is unable to take the exam/quiz due to an emergency or illness, the student should notify their instructor as soon as possible. The student should also follow the instructor’s exam makeup policy, which is typically listed in the course syllabus.
- Rescheduling Exams Due to a Disability Flare-Up
If you are approved for the accommodation “Ability to reschedule in the event of a flare up” and you need to reschedule an exam, email your instructor and copy [email protected] to arrange a new date and time. To aid in this process, please suggest possible dates.
During Your Test
- Testing Time
At the start of your test, SDS will provide students with their total accommodated testing time. It is the student’s responsibility to manage their testing time. To aid students, SDS provides students timers, and clocks are visible to every testing seat. - Camera monitoring and recording
SDS monitors every test with live proctors and cameras. Footage can also be viewed after the test has been completed. - Troubleshooting
Alert the proctor immediately if there is a problem with your test or testing materials (such as, adaptive technology not working, a missing page, etc.). - Use of Restroom
Students are encouraged to use the restroom before the start of the test. If a student leaves the Testing Center to use the restroom, then SDS staff will record the length of time and number of times the student is away from the test center. Please note that your testing time will not pause. - Contacting your instructor
If you have a question during your test, SDS will contact your instructor and/or TA. - Test Integrity
If a student is suspected of violating JHU’s policy on academic integrity and exam security, then SDS has the right to share the observations with the instructor and the office of Student Conduct.
After Your Test
- Completed Test
Hand your test and all other testing materials, such as scrap paper and approved cheat sheets, to SDS testing staff when your testing time is over or when you finish before your testing time is over. SDS will provide your instructor with your completed test. Lastly, retrieve your belongings from the lockers before leaving the testing center.
Updated August 2024